The Inquisition

By Anonymous
Published on November 21st, 2020

Today the Inquisition

Came knocking on the door

They always come at these


Funny to say that word when I’ve lost

A sense of time

They come tomorrow too

Their favourite word


I fear

Their words when they say

I am a Failure, Inadequate, Scum

Of course, it is not the

Insults but the Disappointment

The Lead Inquisitor likes to give

A good burning at the Stake

quoniam punitio non refertur primo & per se in correctionem & bonum eius qui punitur, sed in

bonum publicum ut alij terreantur, & a malis committendis avocentur

I am the Public, and this is the Good -

Tonight dreams are filled with thoughts

Of flying, a thing that seems


For moments in the night

My fingers would brush the

Concrete, steel, brick

So close,

Heaven’s embrace.

But somehow I am pulled

An agonising tug, a scream

From this beautiful high

It’s easy to say


And easier to say


Don’t You know that

I’m already trying?

I know You want me here

Lock me to the earth, this soil

That bleeds these chains of gold

I want to be here

I want to be here

I want to be here


The sky is calling me back.

Blasphemy, heretics

I am told by You to endure but

Is my life one spent locked with

The Inquisition?

Today the Inquisition

Came knocking on the door

They always come at these


- anonymous

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