
The Visually Impaired

Free of inequality? Maybe it is getting better for the visually impaired children.

What is Happening in Poland – the Struggles of the LGBTQ+ Community

Even though most of the countries are becoming more and more progressive in allowing (...)

The Hong Kong LGBTQ+ Identity

In many modern societies, heterosexual relationships are considered the ‘norm’, insti(...)

Discrimination Against Women: the Legal System and Economic Prospects

Despite supposedly being impartial, the law remains a cornerstone in discriminating a(...)

The Profound Impact of COVID-19 on Women Around the Globe

The past few decades have seen some improvement with women's rights and gender equali(...)

Roe v Wade Versus Trump

Roe v Wade, a landmark verdict which altered the prospects of thousands of women, thr(...)

The Death Penalty and the Justice System: Why Are We Sentencing Innocent People to Death?

Should the death penalty be allowed? Should we be given the power to condemn people t(...)

Stand In Solidarity

“No pride for some of us until liberation for all of us.” --Micah Bazant

Copaganda: Brooklyn Nine Nine in light of the BLM Protests

Brooklyn 99 (B99) is an American comedy TV show based on Brooklyn’s fictitious 99th p(...)

Tip of the Iceberg: Police Militarisation in the BLM Movement

To say that the widely documented death of George Floyd has given rise to a maelstrom(...)