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The Dirtbag Left

Hidden between the preaching hashtags, the elaborately designed threads dictating wha(...)

Copaganda: Brooklyn Nine Nine in light of the BLM Protests

Brooklyn 99 (B99) is an American comedy TV show based on Brooklyn’s fictitious 99th p(...)

MLM (Multi-level Marketing): Why you Shouldn't Join

Multi-level marketing goes by many names - ‘direct selling business’, ‘network marke(...)

Tip of the Iceberg: Police Militarisation in the BLM Movement

To say that the widely documented death of George Floyd has given rise to a maelstrom(...)

The Ugly Truth of the Korean Wave

The Korean Wave refers to the immense rise in global popularity of Korean culture whi(...)

New World Order

This article explores contraception and the importance of it in our world today. It l(...)

It’s Time to Look Beyond Feminism

People aren't feminist anymore.

Attitudes towards Death

There is but one cross-cultural, objective, phenomenological truth that stands unwave(...)

The False Promise of Plastic

A glittery pink block with small orange buttons. Looking at it now, it was a very che(...)

Problems with Modern Political Discourse

In the modern world, politics has become more and more divisive, and is becoming more(...)