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No, Transgender People Do Not Perpetuate Gender Stereotypes––and Here’s Why

Caitlyn Jenner. Jazz Jennings. Laverne Cox. These are some well-known female celebrit(...)

Roe v Wade Versus Trump

Roe v Wade, a landmark verdict which altered the prospects of thousands of women, thr(...)

New Year Message from ISSIA HK

Dear all,

The Death Penalty and the Justice System: Why Are We Sentencing Innocent People to Death?

Should the death penalty be allowed? Should we be given the power to condemn people t(...)

Yemen: What can We Do to Help?

The crisis started when a political transition was meant to bring stability to Yemen.(...)

How Hong Kong's Billion-Dollar Tutoring Industry Reflects Systemic Issues with Our Education System

From playgroups for kindergarten, to DSE preparation for university admissions, , sup(...)

Stand In Solidarity

“No pride for some of us until liberation for all of us.” --Micah Bazant

ISSIA’s 2020 Physical vs Online School Survey

ISSIA’s aims to connect and strengthen the link between Hong Kong schools, Internatio(...)

The Natural Telos of Education

Examining the purported purposelessness of our education system

Teenage Crisis Pregnancies: Where are we Now, and What do we do Next?

Did you know that over 4000 children are living in residential homes (homes that “off(...)