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Why there is No Ethical Production Under Capitalism

What does ‘There is no ethical production under capitalism’ mean? It is a spin at t(...)

The Profound Impact of COVID-19 on Women Around the Globe

The past few decades have seen some improvement with women's rights and gender equali(...)

The Problematic Portrayal of Mental Health in ‘13 Reasons Why’


Today's Male Beauty Standards: Feasible or Farcical?

When you consider how, ideally, a man should look, what do you think of? Perhaps the (...)

Should Coding be Taught as a Core Subject, Like Maths and English?

Imagine diving into a world filled with endless possibilities, and the only limit is (...)

Can Online Classes Replace Face-to-face Teaching?

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, schools have been suspended, and in its place - onli(...)

The Debate over Confederate Monuments

Before you look at this article and dismiss it as another oversaturated heap of comme(...)

Are You Really in Control of Your Thoughts as Much as You Think You Are?

Mind control. Brain-washing. Coercion. Are these mystical concepts still reserved mer(...)

Tiktok and Metabolism Drops: The Road To Eating Disorders

To many, TikTok is the new, hot breeding ground for self-expression. A home that has (...)

“Fallout” and the Not-Infallible Theory of Mutually Assured Destruction

The Fallout franchise, a popular game franchise owned by Bethesda Game Studios, adop(...)