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Five People Who Control Us

There is a well-known saying by American entrepreneur, Jim Rohn: “You are approximate(...)

An Exploration of Discrimination and Prejudice

‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights’, the Universal Decla(...)

Impacts of Stereotyping and Importance of Individualism

Over the last few decades, humans have been relentlessly evolving through a variety o(...)

Why is LGBT Legislation so Important to HK LGBT Students?

A toxic mix of tenacious traditional Chinese culture, religion, and government inerti(...)

How to Graduate: a Step by Step Guide

As many of us reach the end of our seemingly endless childhood and prepare to journey(...)

“Talk to Me”

These three words can either be the most important or the most threatening words you (...)

Best of Both Worlds

Bisexuality, in the simplest of terms, is an attraction to two or more genders. This (...)

Seize Your Opportunities: Student Advocacy in Hong Kong

As a student in GSIS, I feel that there has not been nearly enough emphasis on mental(...)

Depression and Apathy: What’s the Difference?

In recent times, depression and apathy have become prominent buzzwords in the field o(...)

The Toxic Effects of Patriarchy in Society

Patriarchy, broadly defined as ‘control by men of a disproportionately large share of(...)