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Mental Health In Asian Society: the Paradigm Shift?

Amidst a strangulating culture of perfection, where lies the room for mental health?

Manipulations of Our Heart and Mind

Examining Ourselves - Cognitive Dissonance, Biases and More

American Identity; the Lost Identity of Asian American Teens

Who are we exactly? Asian. American. Asian American. This term seems to suggest that (...)

Is TikTok Toxic?

Is TikTok Toxic? A deep dive into the 2nd Most Popular Social Media App Today.

Join the ISSIA HK Community!

ISSIA HK Leadership Positions Now Open!

Politics vs. Social issues

Social issues have been around for an extremely long time. Some of the more prominent(...)

The Left and The Right, in Hong Kong

The political spectrum is brilliantly diverse in different countries, and Hong Kong i(...)

A Political Analysis of the Role, Structure, Legitimacy and Hypothetical Ramifications of the State in “The Lion King”

The Lion King is a renowned children’s film produced by Walt Disney Studios, in which(...)

How the Wealth Gap isn't Growing Closer

Hong Kong has been the world’s freest economy for nearly 25 years and during that tim(...)

Turning a Blind Eye

"No one becomes poor by giving."