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The War Against Cancer

In 2625 BC, Imhotep noted a “bulging mass in the breast” of a woman. In 440 BC, Greek(...)

How China Seeks to Reclaim its Former Glory

China Before the Industrial Revolution

Postmodernism, Value Fragmentation, and the Rise of Identity Politics

“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him […] Must we ourselves not beco(...)

The Story Behind the Rice ATM in Vietnam

Our planet is currently facing the most terrible crisis of all time - COVID-19. Affe(...)

An Essay on Government Accountability

It is in human nature to judge people, whether it may be based on an action or a firs(...)

British Colonialism: Indian Homophobia

Shikhandini of the epic Mahabharata, a gender-fluid warrior. Mohini of the Matsya Pur(...)

Flecks of Procrastination

You’re scrambling, scuffling, perspiring, palms sweaty. Your pen keeps slipping from (...)

Economy Vs Life: The Current Capitalist Dilemma

COVID-19. One of the greatest challenges humanity has ever faced, due to COVID-19 cha(...)

Society, Parenting Style and the Achivements of the Younger Generation

Our society has been changing. This, however, is not only due to natural development,(...)

Pretty Ugly
